Hey, I'm

I'm currently a student at Inteli pursuing a degree in computer science with a minor in business. I aspire toward a career that will allow me to channel my creativity through crafting beautiful software and engaging experiences.

Some technologies I've worked with

Where I’ve Worked

BTG Pactual

Summer Intern

July, 2023

During my short-term employment in the IT AM FUNDS sector, I updated legacy code in C#. I improved the legacy system by fixing features, optimizing code, and resolving integration challenges.

c# sql azure devops .net framework agile

Some Things I’ve Built


Software Engineering

Scalable application in distributed systems

Transformed Vivo's legacy databases, reducing query response time from 30s to under 3s. Implemented Python/Flask microservices, utilized key AWS services (DNS, CDN, Object Storage, Load Balancer, EC2, RDS), and orchestrated with Kubernetes.

python flask aws next.js tailwind docker kubernetes


Computer Science

Optimization Problem Solving and Operations Research Solution

In partnership with V.tal, developed an algorithm for optimizing field technician allocation and resource distribution, enhancing connectivity installation and repair services. The algorithm, based on service orders and sector-specific data, efficiently deploys technicians while allowing flexibility for inter-sector mobility.

java python typescript spring boot flask prisma react


Computer Science

High performance solution using graphs

High-performance graphic algorithm, developed in partnership with ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, optimizes beer production by improving transfer routes, minimizing traffic, and maximizing resources efficiently.

java spring boot material ui neo4j vite react flow


Computer Engineer

IoT solution prototyping

Tracking device for tablets and notebooks within PIRELLI's factory, enabling real-time monitoring of their location through a dashboard displaying a map, ensuring that these devices do not leave the factory premises.

C/C++ Arduino IDE


Data Science

Building logic for prediction with artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) that helps researchers at FMUSP in identifying the most suitable treatment for breast cancer, considering adjuvant or neoadjuvant options, in a personalized and effective way.

Python pandas Matplotlib Google Colab Numpy Scikit-learn


Web Development

Development of application for web environment

Website aimed at hiring construction workers, simplifying the recruitment process for third-party employers, and enabling workers to find job opportunities and access courses offered by MRV&Co.

HTML CSS JavaScript JQuery Node.js/Express.js SQLite


Game Development

Digital game development

2D medieval-style platform and card battle game created to assist DELL in training new employees during the onboarding process.

GDScript godot